Gothamites: the Gotham Review Podcast
Carla Hoffman and Kurt Onstad review the 2014 FOX tv show 'Gotham' and marvel at the comic book roots of the show.
Gothamites: the Gotham Review Podcast
Gothamites Ep. 11 - Rogue's Gallery
This week on Gotham: what makes a Rogue? How do they form a Gallery? Who is the mystery electrocutioner? And will James Gordon and Lee Thompkins just get a room already? A great episode to bring in new fans, Kurt and Carla have fun with the first Arkham Asylum inmate riot.
00:39 - "Harvey Dent Cat", Lursa
00:58 - History of the World Part II: Richard Kind as Saint Peter
01:26 - Flash's Rogues
02:37 - Nightwing #100
03:10 - Guy Gardner 'killed' in Human Target #6
04:42 - Electrocutioner from Arkham Origins
05:37 - Batman #331
14:14 - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
34:31 - Christopher Heyerdahl
35:17 - tv sitcom Psych
37:50 - Blue Penguin
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Theme and outro provided by the ever awesome Dom Balsamo
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