Gothamites: the Gotham Review Podcast
Carla Hoffman and Kurt Onstad review the 2014 FOX tv show 'Gotham' and marvel at the comic book roots of the show.
Gothamites: the Gotham Review Podcast
Gothamites Ep. 3 - Balloonman
NOTE: Where's episode 2? Sadly lost in a computer move, but don't worry! We'll revisit our lost episodes after we finish season one.
Is this truly the best episode to watch to lure someone into Gotham? Does Baloonman strike fear or inspire the citizens of Gotham? How much a part does destiny play in the life of Bruce Wayne? Watch along with Carla and Kurt as they start dipping their toes into what Gotham soon will become.
Show Notes:
- 5:05 - Batman #147
- 19:25 - the Kane family
- 16:11 - Oath of the Horati
- 19:59 - Clark Middleton (RIP)
- 21:42 - Darkman
- 34:10 - Windows '95
- 38:53 - the Shadow
- 45:34 - the Exploding Dummy Budget(tm)
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Theme and outro provided by the ever awesome Dom Balsamo
Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel!